Bank union Unite official John Bancroft said, he was disappointed with the news. He said: "Unite has an off shoring agreement with Lloyds TSB which states the union will be consulted before any off shoring decisions are made and that there will be no compulsory redundancies. "We will be working to ensure that staff in the bank are offered suitable alternative employment and that their terms and conditions are protected."
Kulveer Ranger, 33, an Indian-origin management consultant who has previously worked on London's transport system, has been appointed the director of transport policy by the new mayor, Boris Johnson.
The England and Wales Cricket Board released the dates for Australia's 2009 tour on Monday, including the five Ashes Tests, a seven-game, one-day series and two Twenty20 internationals.
Both Pankaj Kapur and Shahid struggle, going from light and likable to irritating and implausible when the film changes gear from romcom to melodrama.
International Institute of Hotel Management opens admissions to BA courses that offer students the option of studying in the UK.
A new immigration laws passed in the UK prevent chefs from being recruited from the Indian sub-continent, threatening the existence of thousands of Indian restaurants across the UK. Many have closed down due to shortage of chefs. The new rules make knowledge of English mandatory for workers recruited from outside the European Union, leaving most chefs from the sub-continent ineligible.
The findings suggest that all those people who have the right inherited personality mix have an 'affective reserve' of happiness which can come handy in stressful times. Researchers say that although happiness has its roots in our genes, around 50 per cent of the differences between people in their life happiness is still down to external factors such as relationships, health and careers.
UK has launched an initiative called 'Next Generation India' to boost India-UK trade relations and encourage NRI entrepreneurs.
JK Rowling revealed how she felt about ending the Harry Potter series in London where she was honoured for outstanding achievement at the South Bank Show Awards on January 29.
Dr B Ashok, an IAS officer from Kerala, explains why he wrote a controversial article supporting the invite to Narendra Modi by a mutt in the state.
Glasgow and Nigeria's Abuja were the only candidates left to host the 20th edition of the quadrennial event.
A study has found that while men are smarter, men also have to deal with the fact that they are also more stupid than the fairer sex.
Up in the Air's Jason Reitman's golden advice to new film-makers.
The number of teens not getting enough sleep has experts stunned, for it shows that most do not know how lack of sleep can affect them.
Craig Gordon became the most expensive goalkeeper in British football on Wednesday when he was transferred from Hearts to Sunderland for a fee that could eventually rise to nine million pounds.
Deeksha Gaur, executive producer of the off-Broadway show Ugo's Last Dance currently underway in New York (show ends on October 4), is among the few theatrical producers of Indian origin. She is a recipient of the Foundry's Producer's Chair Award for this production created by God Machine, a new theatre company, which she says was started explicitly to produce what the typical theater community would consider "unstageable."
Both teams will be looking to prove a point after the poor showing at the World Cup.
The country moved to its highest level of terror alert -- critical -- after a burning car crashed into the airport.
Santosh Sivan has become truly an international filmmaker. His eighth directorial venture, Before the Rains, a Hollywood film made in Kerala has made it to a number of international film festivals namely Edinburgh, Toronto, Pusan and Palm Springs. Now, the latest feather in his cap is a feature on the film which appeared in the prestigious American Cinematographer magazine.
Public shareholders of Cairn India will lose out on a whopping Rs 3,570 crore (Rs 35.7 billion) to the promoters who would be only beneficiary of a non-compete fees to be paid by its suitor, London-listed Vedanta group.
Spraying them directly onto a person creates the ability to carry out different tests at the same time, for example muscle movement and pulse rate, thereby allowing a complete picture of the patient's condition to be built up quickly.
Bihar is now poised to emerge as one of India's next major destinations for oil and natural gas reserves.
Diana, who was married to the heir to the British throne, had separated from Prince Charles in 1992 and obtained a divorce four years later.
The body of Michael Blakey, 23, was discovered partly concealed beneath a pile of stones in a ditch near a small church on the outskirts of Dharamsala.
More than three months after announcing the sale of its up to 51 per cent stake in the Indian unit to Vedanta, Cairn Energy Plc on November 23 last year had made a conditional application to seek government's nod but refused to accept partner ONGC's rights.
Paul Whybrew, the 49-year-old son of a bank manager, left his apartment in Kensington Palace ten days ago. He is known to the Queen as 'Big Paul.'
The SGPC head regretted that despite being approached, the prime minister had not spared time to discuss such issues.
Police said although the teenager did not need hospital treatment, he was left terrified by the attack.
Al Fayed said he believed the murder was likely to have been carried out by photographer James Andanson, who has since died, on the orders of the security services. "There was one paparazzi member in the pay of the security services, this is likely to have been James Andanson, who exacted the murder in his own Fiat, pushed the car and a strobe light, which was used to blind Henri Paul."
The 74-year-old, soft-spoken economist-turned-prime minister recalled his friends at Cambridge had nicknamed him "blue turban".
The PM has left for an official trip to the UK and Finland.
A couple of years ago, Dr Singh had celebrated his birthday on a flight between Frankfurt and New York.
AC Milan and Liverpool won their Champions League qualifying rounds.
A tainted AC Milan side, 2005 winners Liverpool and last season's finalists Arsenal will top the bill when the Champions League final qualifying round gets underway this week.
The Indian energy sector may soon get a Scottish boost, with a number of companies from the European country planning to establish offices and manufacturing units in the country to tap growing opportunities.
Brighton, a popular sea resort of Britain, has got 12 three-wheelers from Bajaj.